Channeled Sound, Meditation, Music, Reiki, Singing Voice, Sound Therapy, Wellness

What is the Healing Song Guided Meditation?

Meditation comes in all forms. Repeatedly going to a quiet space in our physical world will allow us to visit the more ethereal spaces that exist beyond us. These spaces are filled with knowledge, wisdom, joy, and in many cases, healing. We are never left, however, unmoved by the power of meditation. Healing Song Guided Meditation is one such practice.  But first, let’s examine the concept of taking an internal pause.

The How

Knitting, for example, is a form of meditation as it keeps us focused on the task at hand. The movements magically create a pattern that will become a hat, a scarf or a sweater. But the reality is, that it brings focus and calm to our mind, and in some cases our body.  While our fingers skillfully move the yarn across the needle we are creating anxiety-reducing energy.  Similarly, walking on a trail, sitting by a lake and bird watching are also activities of disconnecting from the daily grind to connect to the energy that is available all around us. This energy that we tap into is what enables us to become more peaceful and more centered.  Call it Divine, Cosmic or magnetic energy.  It’s Meditation, for short!

The What

Deep breathing is essential to our well-being as much as are walking and other forms of exercise. Daily 10-minute time-outs to breathe deeply – without getting dizzy of course, can infuse our body with rich oxygen-filled blood cells ready to work on our behalf.

Breathing with intention at regular intervals throughout the day will keep us grounded and steady in order to gain clarity and focus. It may seem so simple to do but somehow we struggle to find the time to do these simple routines that have the power to ease our mind and body so that our souls are free to soar and create.

My When

Healing Song Guided Meditation was born from a spontaneous channeled singing episode while leading a meditation group in a spiritual center as a student. Those who were present all felt a variety of sensations from my voice, least of all – and to my surprise, a healing quality. As a former stage performer and recording artist, there was a period of time when my throat chakra was adversely affected by the actions and words of someone I loved deeply. I will spare you the details but will say that during that time the sound of my own singing voice angered me.  It was a reminder of a time when I was naively trusting, and what was once a joyful experience for me, had become dreadful. I had given my power away and I needed it back. It was no longer a question of blame, but of fixing in me what was broken and that which allowed another to affect me at such a level. I embarked on that journey mind, body and soul!

My Why

Fast forward to that moment when my voice needed to be heard, and I will tell you that all the work I had been doing on myself had a fruitful result.  Seeking and clearing the imbalances in my life over the years through reiki, meditation, and some more conventional methods, I was able to see clearly.  I was also able to create boundaries and shields that protected my sensitive spirit.  I learned that sensitivity is not a sign of weakness as many are lead to believe but a strength, too few understand.  I came to accept that my voice was not of me, but for me to offer you.  I could not, try as I might, suppress it with my ego-centric issues because it was after all a Divine issue. It was a gift I was given, at one time, to entertain and bring joy, but now to heal and create balance in others. It came through at the right moment when I was ready and willing to accept my soul’s journey.

We all have a story to tell of how we came to be, who we are today, or in the process of becoming.  Along our journey, we have all asked many questions like “why me”, or  “why now”.  Only when we are able to replace ego driven actions to soul-powered ones, can we see more clearly. It may take decades for many of us, but the answers to those particular questions will rise to be heard and understood eventually.  Only then will we know why we met the people we did, the actions we took and the words that we shared.  They were, in short, lessons our soul needed to experience in order to evolve.

The Process

*Updated for COVID-19 isolation requirements

In Healing Song Guided Meditation, I always place an intention for our Highest Good to receive the messages and the healing sounds necessary for our own personal needs.  Not everyone will receive the same messages or healing as we are all on different paths and different stages of our growth. Sitting on a chair or laying on a mat, couch or bed, is the way to start along with some candles, crystals if you’d like and being undisturbed for at least 30 minutes. Before the isolation requirements, we would meet in person and the vibrations we created as a group was unequalled until we moved to video-conferencing in May of 2020. We quickly realized that by wearing headphones and getting as comfortable as possible in our own homes, the result was equally profound. I was grateful to discover this. It is my ultimate hope that the vibrations from the sounds will have a deep and lasting effect on the entire body, The testimonials since we started meeting online have been extremely moving and feel that in a small way, I am making a difference.

I always call on God’s heavenly light and grace to surround us and open our hearts to receive what is necessary.  This is not a religious activity but a deeply spiritual one that everyone has access to when they need.  Do you notice that when we are in dire straits, we close our eyes and look upward?  Or perhaps clasp our hands or fall to our knees in desperation or gratitude?  Our soul already knows what to do to tap into Universal or God-Source energies. When we let go of our inhibitions, and fear of judgment, we allow our true nature – our Higher Self to take the reins.

As a Reiki Grandmaster, I will infuse the circle and each participant with a constant flow of Reiki energy to elevate the healing experience. Following a chakra clearing, balancing and energizing,  I will guide you on a journey known to me only at that moment.  By allowing the energies to move me, I can guide you to a place where healing begins and magic prevails.

It is NOT about my skills as a vocalist nor what I carry in my heart and soul, nor is it about my personal life experiences. This unique meditation is about each of the participants and what their soul is requiring for transformation and support along its journey. Spirit creates the sounds, the vibrations, the melodies in the realm of all possibility and downloads them to me for interpretation on the physical plane.

As I am partial to melodies, my interpretation and expression of the energies are mostly melodic. With a vibrato naturally occurring in my voice, the sounds contain a certain resonance that lingers, sometimes for days. There is also an element of surprise with ancient words and phrases appearing spontaneously that can be easily understood by each person’s soul. We speak SPIRIT here. By allowing the flow, without any resistance, sounds will fill the space carrying energies of healing, joy, love, courage, and so much more.  Whatever is needed at that time, will appear for everyone’s Highest good.

Whether we need physical or emotional healing, mental clarity or courage to surmount a difficult time, we will receive it.  We may feel it instantly or over a period of days.  It may be as subtle as a gentle breeze or as obvious as a sunrise. As I allow the energies to move me, I ask that you let go and let God take over.  If you allow, cleansing tears may flow or joy may be hard to contain. 

A brief opportunity is given at the end of the journey for those who have questions or wish to share their experience, although I do invite you to contact me privately if that is their preference.  Feel free to visit the Testimonials page which can offer some insight.

For Beginners:  The pace is gentle and slow for those who are just getting their toes wet with meditation.  You are encouraged to investigate the sensations that arise that may be foreign to you at first, but essential for your personal growth and expansion. Repeated practice is also suggested in order to help with the evolution that is showing up for you, and to dig deeper into what is being revealed.

Advanced Practitioners: It may be a little simplistic for advanced practitioners, however, its unique quality of channeled singing “free” voice style is an experience like no other.  As some enjoy the ring of Tibetan bowls or the hum of crystal bowls to experience sound therapy, a channeled singing voice has a frequency as random, and free-flowing as the bowls do and equally as healing.

I chose to share with you the process that brought me to this place, to highlight that we all have been broken, fractured, scraped, and bumped to some degree and when we decide that there needs to be change, in that very moment, we set in motion the plan to free ourselves of the burdens and we embark to meet them and overcome them.

But when we bury them, they remain embedded into the very cells that keep us alive and manifest as imbalances in the physical body. We are like an onion where we must gently peel back layer after layer of those thoughts and behaviours that no longer inspire us. It is not a race to the finish, nor should we focus on the destination, but it is all about the path on which we walk every day, making small changes to improve not only our lives but those in our life, our community and beyond.  Discover how meditation and sweet healing sounds can help you dissolve the barriers that keep you stuck.

Join us if you are feeling called to experience this meditation circle. Since COVID-19, we are meeting monthly on Zoom on the 7th day of each month at 7pm. We call it the 7th at 7. * This program has been temporarily suspended until further notice.

Want to read more about meditation?  Here is a blog that you might find interesting.

5 thoughts on “What is the Healing Song Guided Meditation?”

  1. Hi Lucy!
    After reading your blog, I would love to join your meditation circle. I am on vacation until March 6th.

    Thank you, and have a wonderful week.

    Susan 🌞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Susan! Thank you for visiting La Luz Therapy and reading the blog! I am very pleased that you found it of value and I would be happy to add your name to our subscribers’ list so that you can receive information on the next session! Please confirm that you accept your email added to the list. Many blessings and I look forward to meeting you!


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